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Riview Watches FOSSIL FS4656 For Men

Riview Watches FOSSIL FS4656 For Men

Fossil is one of the brand watches that originated in America and is quite famous also has a lot of fans, as evidenced by the large number of searches for these watches in online stores.

Which countries have published fossil watch brands?

Fossil is one of the famous brands and widely believed by its users, proven by the ability of this brand to survive since 1984 until now. Fossil brand watches are quite easy to find, When checking in the online store, then you will find a lot of sellers of this brand. But it doesn't hurt that you read this article which is a riview of the male-only FS4656 fossil watch.

fossil model name FS4656 has a design that is suitable for use by men, if observed the look looks quite luxurious, Perfect color combination of Clasp and watch, which uses the same color on the watch and Clasp and there is also a choice of different colors between clasp and watch, but still use a suitable color combination and very istemewa when used. If you're a man or woman looking for a gift in the form of a watch for men, then it doesn't hurt if you spend a few minutes reading this article which is a review of fossil FS4656 watches for men. For details, please read the FS4656 fossil watch review below.

Review on fossil FS4656 series watches 

FOSSIL FS4656 watches come with packaging boxes made of stenles (like cans) to secure the watch and add a luxurious feel when I first look.

Fossil FS4656 watches come with packaging boxes made of stenles (like cans) to secure the watch and add a luxurious feel when I first look.
The contents of the stainless box contain fossil watches Fossil FS4656 series and equipped with a guidebook or explanation about the watch itself. 

For the color variant of the watch that I chose is a calm color that is black, the clasp is made of leather and brown, when worn very clearly looks strong and sturdy so that when worn there is no impression of udik and still worth using, on the fossilized clasp written on the top that hints at the brand name of the watch.

The watch window is already made of scratch-resistant Crystal glass and will be safe if exposed to small scratches such as when removed and put in a pocket containing coins. Watch hand display is gold, for the number of needles more than one, which is about 4 needles and added with two variations shaped like the letter V, all the colors are also gold, for clarity about the use of each needle I think there is no need to explain because I want to shorten this writing as shortly as possible.

The division of the watch's color variant options there are 5 kinds, namely blue, yellow to gold, and black, especially the black and blue color variants of the clasp watch color divided into two colors, namely the watch and the clasp one color that is blue, and blue with Clasp brown, as well as on the choice of black watches, with a choice of the color of the clasp and the watch one color, or a black watch with a brown Clasp, because the watch that I bought is black, then I get the display number replaced with a line, which is only with 1 line, but at the number of hours 3, 6, 9, and 12 distinguished from the other line that there is only one line that is two lines so that the number of lines born as much as 16. a little extra, on fossil watches FS4656 color other than black, numbers or clock numbers using Roman numerals and for those of you who want to look different can choose a color other than black and get a display of the watch number with Roman numerals. 

The watch is also accompanied by a choronogrhap that adds to the impression of istemewa, just like the number of hours, the number on the choronograp is also only line one but there is little difference, namely the numbers 15, 30, 45, and 60, still leave it as a tampa number replaced with a line like other numbers.  

In the watch is also included in the writing of the brand of the watch such as on the leather strap, namely fossils and the bottom strap there is also the writing of the brand that is fossil. The watch also comes with a date that is a number. The side of the watch there are 2 tombul, its usefulness among others to activate crhonogrhap and also to disable, When I press the activation of the tombul, the crhonogrhap hand immediately begins to move, and when the hand reaches the number 30 I press the tombul off suddenly the hand moves back to its original place, my impression when trying this is very remarkable, because this watch is considered a watch used by many people at a price that can still be bought by the general public. 

On the bottom of the watch to cover the machine is made of white stainless that adds to the point of istemewaan of the watch, because usually when the watch part is black, the cover of the machine will also be black because it adjusts and may intentionally make the color white different from the regular watch.

here's a complete detiel on the product 

Brand name : FOSSIL FS4656

Band Length : 25cm

Case Shape : Round

Type : Luxury

User : Men

Water Resistance Depth : 30bar

Dial Window Material Type: Crystal

Clasp Type : None

Movement Brand : Quartz movement

Case Material : Stainless Steel

Selling Units : Single item

Single gross weight: 0.5 KG

For the price of fossil fs4656 watch around IDR 530,000.00 how ? Are you interested? if interested you can buy this luxury watch at the online store of your choice.


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