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Portable AC vs Air Cooler - Understanding the Differences and Making the Right Choice

Discover the best cooling solutions: Compare Portable ACs and Air Coolers to find your ideal match. Explore the key differences between Portable ac
An informative illustration highlighting the differences between Portable AC and Air Cooler, showcasing their unique features and benefits.

Choosing the best cooling device means selecting one that meets your needs. Many people make mistakes when purchasing because they do not understand how the device works and the results it provides when operated.

To determine the best cooler, we must compare one with another. So, between a portable AC and an air cooler, what are the differences, and which one is better?

To choose correctly, of course, you need to compare from several sides. It is not enough to look from just one side.

The reason is not enough if only looking from one side because it could be that when we look from another point of view, the other is better.

For more details about portable AC vs air cooler, what is the difference and which one's better, we will compare it from several angles. But to be clearer, you have to understand there is a big difference between the two.

Here is a brief explanation of the reason for the difference between these two units:

How Portable AC Works

Diagram showing the working mechanism of a portable AC, including hot air and water ducts.

A portable AC works, if briefly explained, as a cooling unit that works by filtering the air in the room so that the temperature will change to cool in a certain time (depending on the mode used).

The hot air resulting from filtering will be released through the hot air ducts, so portable ACs usually have two ducts, namely hot air ducts and water ducts.

The water produced by a portable AC is the result of air filtration so that it forms a very tight molecule and turns into water, caused by the drop in room temperature.

So here is a very striking difference when compared. Of course, they are still the same cooling units, but the way they work between the two is very different. Then, how does the air cooler work? Please continue below.

How Air Cooler Works

Illustration explaining the working principle of an air cooler, showing water turning into mist by the fan.

An air cooler is a cooling unit and belongs to the portable AC category, but what distinguishes the two is how they work.

More clearly, an air cooler is a cooler that provides coolness within a certain distance. Unlike the other, this unit works by being filled with water, then when activated the water will slowly turn into dew and fly because it is exposed to the air from the fan's rotation.

Without the water content, this model will only be a regular fan, so this is what distinguishes between a portable AC and an air cooler.

I think the explanation above is very clear if you are curious between portable AC vs air cooler, what is the difference and which one's better. However, as I said above, it is not enough if compared only from one side. Let's continue comparing these two units from several different points of view.

In Terms of Changing Room Temperature

Comparison of a portable AC and air cooler used in a room to show differences in changing temperature.

No need for a reason for the results of this answer, you yourself already know between portable AC vs air cooler which is better in cooling your temperature after the explanation of the difference in how they work above.

Even so, it cannot be denied that the price that reaches many times makes these two units so far in the difference about the temperature that can be changed. So here, the portable AC is the best and becomes the winner.

Ideal Size and Weight

Image comparing the size and weight of a portable AC and an air cooler.

I think this time the air cooler becomes the winner. Although it cannot cool the entire room, at least it has a smaller shape making it easy to carry anywhere.

In contrast to portable ACs that easily provide coolness to your entire room, the large shape and weight reaching more than 30kg make it lose in terms of ideal shape.

If you need a cooler that is easy to carry anywhere, for example, when just on vacation or sightseeing, or a cooler that can be placed anywhere without burdening you, then the answer is an air cooler.

In terms of shape and weight, portable AC vs air cooler is won by the latter, this unit is the best according to the point of view of the ideal form.

Price for All Circles

Graph or table showing the price comparison between a portable AC and an air cooler.

When it comes to price, it seems that the cheapest will win. But if talking about the price that is most suitable for the upper class, of course, there is no connection with cheap goods, because they are not interested in goods that have a low price.

Because speaking of price for all circles, then the air cooler is the best. Compared to portable ACs, this unit has a much cheaper price, even only with about 9 dollars, you can already enjoy the coolness of this unit.

Of course, 9 dollars is a price that can be bought by all circles, even you can buy as many as 10 pieces to be placed in all rooms in your house, and if you hold an important event, you can make it as a gift.

Honestly, it sounds funny if you buy an air cooler with this much amount. Why not just try saving money to buy a portable AC? It would be easier than having to buy and take care of many cooling units.

Less Energy Needed

Graph showing the comparison of energy consumption between a portable AC and an air cooler.

Portable AC vs air cooler, which consumes less power? The answer is the air cooler.

The reason is that the cooling effect produced is not as great as the portable AC, so of course, the power needed is not much. And if compared, I think it is quite a clear thing for those who already know how the units work and who in the results. Different from those who do not know about it and want to buy the best units, then finding out is a wise thing.

Therefore, find out first before buying it, than after buying regret because it is not in accordance with the wishes.

Even so, portable AC becomes the first choice if you want much more maximum coolness results.

When Holding Important Events

Image showing a portable AC being used in an important home event.

Having an important event in your home is a very memorable time, where people will come to gather and start assessing how great you are at preparing everything to make your guests feel happy and comfortable.

Then you need cooling units that are more effective and much more useful, then the answer is a portable AC, and it is very suitable. The more people are in your room, then the temperature will be hotter.

If you rely on an air cooler for that, it will only make it harder for you, because you also need to refill the water when it runs out, especially if the amount you prepare is very much, then the more troublesome you.

So between the two, the portable AC is the better and be the winner.


Depending on what you need, from a different point of view on portable AC vs air cooler, then between the two there will be different answers between which is the best.

Although the explanation above is very concise, but it has answered all the basic things about portable AC vs air cooler, what is the difference and which one's better. Now you already understand which one will suit your needs.

Between the two, each has advantages that it brings. I personally cannot give the best and proper recommendation, because it is all in your decision. If you need air conditioning units for the room, then the portable AC is the best.

Buy from amazone: Air Cooler
Buy from amazone: Portable ac

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